Find frequently asked questions here

What is the shipping time

The shipping time is 1 to 3 days, we try to send your order as soon as possible, but it can take a little longer than usual in case of huge crowds.

How returns work

There is a return ticket with the order, fill it out and send it. As soon as we have received the package, we will assess it and refund the shipping costs + item costs. Return costs not included.

I want to change my delivery address, how do I do that

Suppose you have entered the wrong delivery address, you can contact us below and we will adjust it.

Which payment method do we accept

We accept: iDeal, Amex, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Mastercard, Visa and Union Pay.

How to stay informed about the discounts and the newsletter

You can enter your e-mail at the bottom of the homepage. From this moment you are registered for the newsletter and you will stay informed of all discounts.


For questions about our products or other questions, send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.